

Growing up in Rotterdam in a creative family, with 2 grandfathers as architects, Julie developed her love for drawing and painting. It all started with drawing portraits, where she could get lost into her drawing. Julie was searching for a little moment to escape her busy surroundings.


The search for a 'moment of calmness' is very important for Julie. During this moment she can get lost in her imaginations. Julie likes to be surrounded by nature. Close to the sea, where she watches a rough sea or takes a walk through the dunes. Painting is an ascape, where though and emotions come together on her canvas.


The making process is really important to Julie. Slowly relaxing through the different layers of the painting.


"It all starts with the background. Here Iuse deep colors, large brushes, no rules, just letting everything loose on the canvas Then I will start layering. Experimenting with materials as real sand, old linnen or cardboard to create interesting textures. Layers of shapes that overlap, touch or almost touch. A game of balance; an important feature of my work"


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