Summer Lovin': Lisa Konno, Daleen Bloemers & Jouni Toni

6 - 21 July 2024
On the 6th of July 2024, Rademakers Gallery will open our doors to our freshly curated space on the first floor of the gallery. You are welcome from 16:00 onwards! During this exhibition we highlight the works of three artists:
Lisa Konno, an interdisciplinary female artist, for whom fashion is a tool for portraying deeply personal stories that speak to universal themes. Some of the latest works by the artist are on display right away after her past solo exhibition at Museum JAN in Amstelveen.
Daleen Bloemers, a new talent that the Only Female Artists platform has just discovered and welcomed into our community. For Daleen, the human body and its tactility plays a central role in her creative practice. Through surreal forms of experiments, the artist explores the boundaries between the carnality of the human body and the cold, alienating effect created by applying digital techniques.
Jouni Toni, a Finnish artist with Rademakers Gallery, who works in the acrylic painting medium. In Jouni's work, experiences, memories, observations and unexpected juxtapositions are turned into the language of painting and take shape to fit the painting object's frame of reference.
Drinks sponsored by Heineken. 
Can't make it? We will go live on our instagram with artist Daleen Bloemers