Eva Brouwer

Only Female Artists Ambassador

A renown Dutch speaker and author, Eva Brouwer, joins the Only Female Artists as an ambassador. Eva: “Pien Rademakers opened my eyes to the uneven representation of female artists in the art industry. I also was accustomed to seeing halls of museums full of female nudes painted by all male artists. Luckily that's changing now, also thanks to her. Only Female Artists is a powerful and necessary initiative and aside from that: the works of art, all made by female artists are stunningly beautiful and thought provoking!”


Being an inspiring and colourful creative professional as well as an art lover and collector, Eva Brouwer has a strong affection for one particular female artist from our platform - Martijntje Cornelia. No other artist works entirely with Candy Floss like Martijntje. She is inspired by the transforming nature of fluffy sugar: “When you expose the fluffy sugar, known as candy, to a certain environment it will transform from its fluffy shape to a flexible and soft substance. What remains is a piece of Candy Floss that can vary from fragile to robust. Martijntje Cornelia always takes the fluffy cloud as a starting point of her work: she immortalises the airy cloud of magic, her favourite moment.

May 16, 2024
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